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The Allure of Greece: A Haven for Wealthy Foreigners



The Allure of Greece: A Haven for Wealthy Foreigners

The Allure of Greece: A Haven for Wealthy Foreigners

Greece, cradled by the azure waters of the Aegean sea and steeped in millennia of history, has been capturing the hearts of wealthy foreigners. The scenic vistas of its islands, the rich tapestry of its culture, and the warmth of its people are just a few reasons why affluent expats are finding this Mediterranean paradise an irresistible place to call home.

Affordable Cost of Living

Compared to other European countries, Greece offers a surprisingly affordable cost of living. Whether it's dining in local tavernas, shopping at bustling markets, or renting a villa overlooking the sea, your money stretches further here. This affordability, combined with the high standard of living, makes Greece an attractive destination for wealthy foreigners.

Accessible Healthcare

Greece boasts an accessible healthcare system, with well-equipped hospitals and highly trained medical professionals. Expats can have peace of mind knowing that they have access to excellent healthcare services, should they need them.

Laid-back Lifestyle

The Greek lifestyle is synonymous with a laid-back approach to life. The locals have mastered the art of work-life balance, and it's a rhythm that wealthy expats find appealing. From leisurely meals with family and friends to afternoon siestas, life here feels less rushed, making it an ideal setting for those seeking tranquility and relaxation.

Golden Visa Program

One of the most compelling reasons for wealthy foreigners to relocate to Greece is the country's "Golden Visa" program. This scheme offers a five-year renewable residence permit to non-EU citizens who invest a minimum amount in real estate. It's an attractive proposition for those who wish to enjoy the benefits of living in Greece while also having freedom of movement within the Schengen area.

Who is eligible?

- Be a national of a third Country, non-EU, non-EEA and non-Swiss national

- Be over 18 and not from a sanctioned country.

- Make a minimum investment of EUR 250,000

- Dependents

The Benefits:

- Right To Live in Greece

The right to live in Greece comes with public healthcare and education benefits as well.

- Visa-Free Travel with Greece Residence Permit

The Golden Visa gives you the freedom to travel across the Schengen zone without the need for an  additional visa.

- Family Reunification

Spouse and unmarried children under the age of 21 in the program

- The Double Taxation Treaty

Depending on your country of residence and the amount of time you spend in Greece, it is likely that your international income may not be subject to taxation in Greece.

- Citizenship

You may apply for Citizenship by naturalization after living in Greece for seven years, additionally you must spend a minimum of 183 per year and be a registered tax resident during those past seven years as well as pass a Greek language test.

The Non-Dom Scheme

In addition to the Golden Visa, Greece is also attracting wealthy foreigners with its 'non-Dom' scheme. This initiative offers substantial tax advantages to individuals who transfer their tax residence to Greece, making it an enticing option for affluent individuals.

Cultural Riches and Natural Beauty

Beyond the practical benefits, Greece's cultural heritage and natural beauty are irresistible. From the ancient ruins of Athens to the idyllic islands of Santorini and Mykonos, Greece offers a wealth of experiences for those with a taste for adventure and a love of history. The country’s Mediterranean climate, stunning landscapes, and pristine beaches add to its charm, making it a veritable paradise on earth.

In conclusion, Greece is more than just a tourist destination; it's a place where wealthy foreigners can enjoy a high quality of life, immerse themselves in a rich culture, and benefit from attractive investment schemes. As the Greek saying goes, "Φιλοξενία" (Filoxenia) or "love of strangers," and it's this spirit of hospitality that makes Greece a welcoming home for those seeking a new life abroad.

If you would like further detailed information about Greece Golden Visa programs and investment opportunities, simply contact or visit NG Global Citizens.

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