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Malta citizenship by Investment - Complete Guide



Malta citizenship by Investment - Complete Guide

Malta citizenship by Investment - Complete Guide

Malta citizenship by investment or also dubbed the Malta golden visa is a program that aims to be able to get a Malta passport through a large investment in Malta with a processing time of one to three years.

The length of this process depends on the amount of investment you make. If you want to get a Malta passport in one year then you have to invest at least €750,000.

Whereas if you choose a three-year processing program, then you have to invest a minimum of €600,000. Both of these investment amounts are intended for the national development fund.

Another thing to note in the Malta Citizenship by Investment program is that you and your family are required to live in Malta until they are declared eligible to receive citizenship. This means, you should also have an investment in residential real estate.

Option of Malta Citizenship by Investment

There are two options for those of you who want to become an investor in this Malta citizenship program, namely:

1. Citizenship with investment

The first option refers more to the acceptance of Malta citizenship and is commonly known as the Citizenship by Naturalization program for Outstanding Services by Direct Investment. Later, investors who choose this option will get a Malta passport after three years of living in Malta. There are also those that only take one year on condition that they invest in a larger amount.

2. Malta Permanent Residency Program (MPRP)

Unlike the previous option, this second program actually has a lower investment fund threshold. For just €100,000, investors can already receive a permanent residence permit in Malta. However, to get it, investors still have to stay for the first five years and be eligible for naturalization of Malta citizens.

What must be known from this program is that investors who have received a residence card are required to integrate with the surrounding community and want to learn the language and culture.

Benefits of Joining the Malta Citizenship by Investment Program

There are several benefits that can be felt by investors in the Malta Citizenship by Investment program, namely:

   1. Investors and their families are granted permanent residence permits in Malta as well as in any other part of the EU.

   2. Investors and their families also have access to work and receive education (study) in Malta or other parts of the EU.

   3. Investors have access to travel without a visa to more than 140 countries around the world.

   4. The next benefit is that investors have access to social and health benefits in Malta

   5. Everyone who has obtained Malta citizenship will also automatically grant citizenship to his descendants.

Requirements for Registrants Malta Citizenship by Investment

To become an investor of Malta Citizenship by Investment, the following conditions must be met, including:

   1. Investors are adults or at least 18 years old.

   2. Investors must have a clear track record or criminal background and prove that they are not involved in a criminal investigation or subject to international sanctions. This requirement must also be met by other members of your family who are also included in the applicant's application.

   3. Investors must have given consent to support family members included in the application.

Steps of Registering Malta Citizenship by Investment

After you feel that you have met the requirements above, you can immediately follow the following steps to register for Malta Citizenship by Investment.

   1. The first step you should take is to go to Malta to invest directly.

   2. Don't forget to collect all the necessary documents, this document is useful as proof that you have made an investment according to the applicable conditions.

   3. After all documents have been collected, please send your golden visa application to the Residency Malta Agency.

   4. After submitting the application, you and your family will get a residence permit in Malta.

   5. Next, you will apply to get an answer whether you are eligible to become a citizen of Malta. However, this application can be submitted after you receive a residence permit for 12 months or one year.

   6. If your application is accepted and declared to be eligible, you will later receive a Eligibility Approval Letter.

   7. Make sure to keep the required documents carefully because you have to submit them after 1-3 years of residence (according to the type of investment you choose). This document is useful for applying for your citizenship.

   8. After that, in the process you and your family will have to live in Malta for 1-3 years, before you become naturalized as a citizen of Malta and get the desired passport.

Documents to be Prepared for the Purpose of Malta Citizenship by Investment

Below are some of the documents that must be prepared to apply for a Malta Gold Visa, including:

   1. Passport, both personal and family member passports registered in the application.

   2. Evidence that shows that you have funds that match your investment needs.

   3. Proof that your funds were obtained by legal means.

   4. Proof that you have undergone due diligence.

   5. Proof of relationship with family, such as marriage certificate, death certificate, birth certificate, divorce certificate, and document of caretaker. Apart from marriage certificates and birth certificates, all documents are optional or if any.

   6. Documents showing financial dependence between family members.

   7. Biometric data for yourself and all members who are applicants over the age of 12.

   8. Cover letter.

   9. Statement from the bank in your home country.

   10. Medical reports of self and family. This report is urgently needed as proof that you and your family do not have any communicable diseases, which later are feared to be contagious and endanger public health in Malta.

   11. Police certificate or statement showing that you do not have a criminal background.

   12. Other supporting documents as needed.

Note: Documents may change according to the personal circumstances of the investor, as well as the type of investment or national background.

Administration Fee to Have a Malta Gold Visa

In the process of applying for a Malta Gold Visa, later you will be required to pay a predetermined administrative fee. These administrative costs are beyond the main investment, and usually cost an additional tens of thousands of euros or €40,000 to be exact.

This administrative fee includes the cost for the application as well as the due diligence fee. However, overall, the cost of applying for a Malta Gold Visa can reach more than €50,000, for the purposes of obtaining documents, legal fees, service fees and so on.

Reasons for Rejected Gold Visa Application

There are several reasons why your application was rejected, namely:

   1. You or your family have submitted the same application and have been rejected

   2. You or your family have been found guilty of criminal cases.

   3. You or your family are being interrogated or suspected of a criminal act when you submit your application.

   4. There is suspicion over the source of the funds you get.

Well, that's brief information about Malta Citizenship by Investment that you should know.

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