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Turkey Citizenship by investment - How To Get Completed Guide



Turkey Citizenship by investment - How To Get Completed Guide

Turkey Citizenship by investment -  How To Get Completed Guide

Turkey Citizenship by investment or also known as Turkey gold visa is an investment program with the aim of getting a Turkish passport within three to six months. The Turkey Citizenship by Investment program has been running since 2016.

In order to participate in this investment program, you can choose several options, one of which is investing or buying real estate with a minimum price of €250,000.

There is also another option, namely investing in government bonds or in other words establishing a company that will later create job opportunities for Turkish citizens, and please note that this investment must be kept for at least three years.

Although it has to be kept for months to years, you don't need to come in person or even live in Turkey first, and you can trust a legal advisor or expert to handle your citizenship process.

However, you are still encouraged to come directly so that you can monitor the investment you choose. For example, real estate investment, by coming directly to Turkey, you will be able to more freely inspect properties or compare them with other options.

Turkey Citizenship by Investment Options

Check out the following full review of several types or options in the Turkey Citizenship by investment program:

Buy real estate that costs at least €250,000

Purchase government bonds with a minimum value of €500,000, then hold or keep the investment for approximately three months.

Establish a company or more which can later become jobs for at least 50 Turkish citizens.

Make a capital investment with a minimum value of €500,000.

Invest at least €500,000 which is used as a real estate investment fund or venture capital investment fund on condition that it maintains the investment for three years.

Make a deposit to a bank in Turkey of at least €500,000 and keep it for at least three years.

Benefits of Registering Turkey Citizenship by Investment

There are many advantages that you can get if you become an investor and join Turkey Citizenship by investment, including:

Get a Turkish passport in just three months

You can apply for Turkish citizenship upon completion of making and finalizing the investment you have chosen. This citizenship application usually takes three to six months.

Get a place to live permanent and direct citizenship in Turkey

If you become a Turkey Citizenship by investment investor, you will later get a permanent residence card which is usually given after applying for a Turkey investment visa. This permit for permanent residence in Turkey is intended to allow you to stay and start to monitor your investment process.

As a pathway for US E2 investment visa

By becoming an investor of Turkey Citizenship by investment, you have become a citizen of Turkey. From there, you can later apply for a US E2 Investment Visa and enjoy citizen rights such as living, working, studying, and investing in the US.

As a pathway to UK Turkish businessman visa

In addition to the US E2 investment visa, Turkey Citizenship by investment can also be a way for you to set up a business in the UK and get permanent residency. This route can be obtained after you have a Turkish passport.

Have the opportunity to do business in various EEC (European Economic Community) countries.

Once you are officially a citizen of Turkey, you can freely visit more than 110 countries without the need for a visa. The 110 countries include South Korea, Japan, Mexico and Hong Kong.

Eligibility Criteria for Turkey Citizenship by investment

There are several eligibility criteria that must be met by investors, including:

Investors are included in the category of adults.

Investors have no criminal background or track record.

Investors never violate Turkish regulations including by staying illegally.

Funds obtained by investors for investment come from legal funds.

Investors must have followed and completed due diligence on their chosen investment.

Steps of the Turkey Citizenship by Investment application process

There are several stages that you must go through in applying for Turkey Citizenship by investment, namely:

Choose the right investment

The first step, of course, you have to choose the right investment first. You can discuss this with an advisor and consider an investment that fits your finances, ultimate goals, and family structure.

Get a certificate of eligibility

After selecting and investing, you must obtain a certificate of eligibility. This certificate of eligibility is usually issued by the responsible authority according to your type of investment.

Open a Turkish bank account account

To deposit your money, of course you must have a Turkish bank account first. You can ask for help from an advisor or legal representative to manage an account.

Applying a Turkish residence permit

After your investment is accepted and approved, then you can apply for a residence permit by coming to the Directorate of Immigration Administration of the Province of Turkey. This residence permit is required so that you can stay in Turkey while completing the investment process and then later being able to apply for citizenship.

Complete the investment process

For the purposes of a citizenship application, you must collect various types of documents which you can only get after the investment process is complete.

Taking care of Turkish citizenship

After the investment process is complete, you can directly apply for Turkish citizenship at the Directorate of Census and Provincial Citizenship. The process usually takes up to four months.

Turkey Citizenship by Investment Application

There are several documents that you can prepare for the purposes of a visa application, namely:

Passport for each applicant

Turkey tax number

Documents proving that you have completed the necessary investments

Documents proving you have never lived in Turkey illegally

Proof that you have paid taxes and other fees for the purposes of Turkey investment visa application

Documents showing criminal background or track record

Proof that the applicant has valid health insurance in Turkey

Birth certificate of each applicant

Passport-sized photos

Other supporting letters that are optional (if any) such as marriage certificates, divorce certificates, and death certificates.

Note: requirements are still subject to change as it adapts to this type of investment, background, and nationality of each applicant.

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St Kitts & Nevis Citizenship By Investment Program

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Saint Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program

Welcome to a f­a­n­t­a­s­t­i­c­ o­p­p­o­r­t­u­n­i­t­y­: St Kitts & Nevis c­i­t­i­z­e­n­s­h­i­p­ by i­n­v­e­s­t­m­e­n­t­. This is the perfect chance for f­a­m­i­l­i­e­s­ to f­a­s­t­-t­r­a­c­k­ their way to c­i­t­i­z­e­n­s­h­i­p­ in a v­i­b­r­a­n­t­, b­e­a­u­t­i­f­u­l­ c­o­u­n­t­r­y­.F­o­r­ as little as $1­2­5­,0­0­0­ and in an i­n­c­r­e­d­i­b­l­y­ short period of time - t­y­p­i­c­a­l­l­y­ just 30 to 45 days - you can gain access to all of the b­e­n­e­f­i­t­s­ that come with having a p­a­s­s­p­o­r­t­ from this l­e­s­s­e­r­-k­n­o­w­n­ C­a­r­i­b­b­e­a­n­ nation. With St Kitts & Nevis c­i­t­i­z­e­n­s­h­i­p­, you don't have to worry about dealing with m­o­u­n­t­a­i­n­s­ of p­a­p­e­r­w­o­r­k­ and waiting years for a­p­p­l­i­c­a­t­i­o­n­s­ to be p­r­o­c­e­s­s­e­d­. I­n­s­t­e­a­d­, you can get your

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