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Portugal Residency by Investment Program



Portugal Residency by Investment Program

Portugal Residency by Investment Program

Portugal Residency by Investment is a form of residence permit granted by the Portuguese government in return for Real Estate investment in Portugal. This program is given to non-EU citizens to stay in Portugal for 5 years.

Portugal Residency by Investment offers non-EU Nationals a simple and fast way for property investors to obtain a five-year Residence Permit.

The legal basis for Portugal Residency by Investment was first introduced by amending Law number 23/2007 dated 4 July 2012, known as the Portugal Golden Visa.


1. Easy Process

One of the advantages that Portugal Residency by Investment offers is that the process is easy. Within 6 months. Meanwhile, the minimum physical residency requirement is to only visit Portugal for 7 days per year. No interviews, language exams, managerial knowledge or experience required. This program is open to all non-EU communities.

2. Ease of Access

Citizens of Portugal can travel visa-free or with a visa on arrival to more than 185 countries and territories including the United States, European Union, Singapore and Hong Kong.

3. High ranking passport

You can apply for Portuguese citizenship after staying 5 years. If Portuguese citizenship is accepted, dual citizenship can be achieved by you. In addition to you, citizenship also applies to spouses and children under 18 years of age. Currently, Portugal Passport is ranked in the top 5 passports in the world for ease of travel.

4. Tax relief

Cryptocurrency gains will not be taxed in Portugal.

5. Health education

You and your family will be able to study at schools or universities across Portugal and enjoy world-class healthcare.

Visa Free Travel To 26 European Countries

The Portugal Residence by Investment Program offers visa-free access within the Shenghen Zone — visa-free access to 26 EU states, including Switzerland, Luxembourg, Italy and Germany.

Investment Options

Investments under the Portugal Residency by Investment Permit Program must be maintained for a minimum of 5 years from the date the residence permit is granted. Become a permanent resident of Portugal by choosing one of the following three eligible investments:

1. Property Acquisition From €280,000

  •  €500,000 - buy residential or commercial real estate.

  • (€400,000 - 20% reduction in rate applied when buying real estate located in low GDP or low population density areas).

  •  €350,000 - buy residential or commercial real estate over 30 years in need of renovation. (€280,000 - 20% rate reduction applied when buying real estate located in low GDP or low population density)

2. 10 Job Creation or Business Investment

  • Create at least 10 new jobs or

  • Invest at least €500,000 in business and create at least 5 permanent jobs.

3. Capital Transfer From €1,500,000

Applicants are required to make capital investments into Portuguese bank accounts or specially approved investment options.


Requirements to apply must be:

1. Be at least 18 years old;

2. Have no previous criminal convictions;

3. Be prepared to spend at least 7 days per year in Portugal;

4. Proof of eligible investment;

The primary applicant can also add dependents to the residency application, including their spouse, dependent children, and parents.

Document Preparation

A detailed checklist will be provided. There will be a guide through the document collection stage.

An experienced immigration advisor will prepare all the necessary documents along with the residency application and will carry out a final check of each document for compliance to ensure all requirements are met, including, proof of investment documentation.


  1. Investors visit Portugal to make necessary investments in real estate, fixed deposits or business development. During this visit, investors will visit the Immigration Service for the purpose of leaving fingerprints, pictures and biometric data.

  2. After the investor returns to his home country, the funds required for the purchase of the property must be transferred to his bank account in Portugal.

  3. Once the property purchase is complete and registration is complete (which usually takes between 3 to 5 business days), documents are submitted for the residency application along with the residency processing fee paid to the Immigration Service

  4. Once a residency application is submitted, the Immigration Service generally approves it within 3 to 4 weeks.

  5. After payment of the processing fee, the Immigration Service starts processing the residence card. This usually takes between 3 -4 weeks.

  6. Visit Portugal for 1 week a year for 5 years to fulfill residency requirements.

Portugal Country Information

Located in Southwestern Europe, on the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal is one of the oldest  european Countries. But Portugal today is a highly developed country and the 19th highest quality of life in the world and one of the most global and peaceful countries in the world.

Portugal is a member of the European Union, the Eurozone and the Schengen Agreement. Globally, Portugal is also a member of the United Nations, OECD and NATO.

Portugal combines beautiful landscapes with sophisticated urban architecture. Portugal also offers a rich historical heritage. Portugal offers investors the opportunity of a lifetime to invest in one of the most sought after countries to live in.

As a member of the European Union, the Citizenship of Portugal and Portugal Residency by Investment Program offers open access to live, work, travel and study in Europe, as well as the opportunity to take advantage of the country's healthcare and consumer rights.

Country Background:

  • Portugal Residency by Investment is a legal investment and temporary stay program under the law. This program invites foreign investors from non-EU countries to obtain a fully valid residence permit in Portugal. This program has been in effect since 2007.

  • The Republic of Portugal is a semi-presidential republic where the Government is headed by a Prime Minister who is appointed by the president.

  • The capital city of Lisbon is the largest city in the country. Lisbon is the westernmost capital of continental Europe and its focal point in finance, commerce, media, entertainment, arts, international trade, education and tourism.

  • Portugal has 6 international airports with flights serving all major airports worldwide.

  • Portugal is primarily characterized by a warm Mediterranean climate with distinct monsoons in winter.

  • Portugal's legal system is part of the civil law system, also known as the continental family law system.

  • The currency of Portugal is the euro (€) and the country is one of the original member states of the Eurozone.

  • The country trades mainly within the European Union, US, Canada and Asia and especially South America and Africa where the former Portuguese colonies of Brazil and Angola were major trading partners.

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